11 pm Dubai time
Dubai's airport is ridiculous.Too many trinkets and health spas to count and yet all I want to do is sleep.
I've lost track of how many hours I've been awake. Thirty? Thirty-five? I slept for 2 hours on the plane. The plane was awesome except for the factthat it emphasized the depravity we will be going into by being the polar opposite.
I ate so much delicious food and was cursed by a sore tummy because I did not move my body after 15 hours and 3 huge meals. It reminded me a little of those chair people in Wall-EE haha.

When we got to the airport we were stinky and had to poo. We found these shower rooms and emerged smelling fresh and clean. it was wonderful; I have never appreciated more a bar of soap, toothbrush, and comb. Oh, and a clean pair of underwear ;)*
I went on an adventure to try to find the so-named Business center, only to accidentally stumble upon the Business Class lounge with free internet. Woopsie. I hope dad and Brian aren't worrying since I said I'd email them back and they most likely won't hear from me till I'm in Uganda.
I guess I just think that just because we're going halfway around the continent doesn't mean we have to cut off all communication with the world if there are affordable ways to communicate. We're not communication martyrs. I'd be less desperate to talk to the ones I love if I didn't honestly fear every conversation with them could be my last, you know? It sounds dramatic, but who knows, really.
*not cuz of the poo, sicko.
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