Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in Your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your name. Psalm 86:11

We are Siyahamba. We are walking in the light.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Persecuted Church Update

As we are preparing for our trip, we must not forget our brothers and sisters around the globe that are being persecuted for their belief in the one true God. Is amazes me how we can worship in public with no repercussion whereas other Christ followers must worship in secret to escape being tortured, imprisoned, and sometimes put to death. Please pray for and follow the journey of these courageous believers as the struggle to stand up for our God.

From Persecution.com

PAKISTAN--18th Court Hearing for Asia Bibi--VOM Contacts

Asia Bibi’s 18th court hearing is scheduled for today, June 29, in Pakistan. According to VOM contacts, witnesses for the prosecution have never appeared in court and the judge is becoming increasingly impatient with them. Pray that the judge will dismiss the false charge of blasphemy against Asia so that she can rejoin her husband and daughters. Praise God for her faithfulness.

Psalm 91:1-6

CHINA--Beijing Christian Harassed, Henan Believers Sent to Labor Camps--China Aid Association

On June 22, Chen Tianshi, head of a house church in Beijing, was visited by Public Security Bureau police. Police told Chen they had come to "check on his temporary residence certificate." But Chen told Radio Free Asia that the police had been watching him because of a recent article he had written on the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.
In Henan, two members of a house church have been sentenced to one year of re-education through labor on charges of engaging in "cult activities." A statement by the re-education administrative committee accuses the two believers of teaching "heresies and fallacies" in an organization called Total Scope Church. However, a local believer said the charges were fabricated and the two are not members of Total Scope Church. Pray that believers in China will remain faithful and courageous.

Psalm 5:11-12

INDIA--Ministry Vehicles Burned by Hindu Extremists--VOM Contacts

On June 22, seven vehicles belonging to Jesus With Us Ministries were burned by Hindu extremists in Hosur, Tamil Nadu, according to The Voice of the Martyrs contacts. Hindu extremists reportedly poured gasoline on the vehicles, which were parked in the church compound, and then ignited the fuel. The vehicles were completely gutted by fire. Neighbors alerted the pastor and local police, who investigated the incident. Believers say the arson was probably prompted by a meeting the church held a few days earlier. The vehicles had been used to transport believers to the meetings. Pray for peace between Hindus and Christians in Tamil Nadu. Pray that the church vehicles will be replaced and that the believers’ testimonies will draw Hindus into fellowship with Christ.

Romans 8:34-36

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