Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in Your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your name. Psalm 86:11

We are Siyahamba. We are walking in the light.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Journal Entry No. 17

4:30 pm Iganga time

Ate breakfast at the cafe and relaxed for a while. Then we got restless and came to Musana.
We played volleyball for a good 3 hours; it was kind of crazy.
Once the kids saw that I could serve (well, I WAS only 15 feet away from the net), they kept asking me to serve so they could practice receiving it. They did improve. My arm died and currently resembles a wet noodle. Sam took over for me.
It was a really great way to bond with the kids on a Saturday. Especially the older ones who are usually too shy to hang out with us.

When we grew tired of volleyball, we grabbed the parachute to play with the younger kids. It was a big hit, as were the balloons we used with them. I even saw Joseph sneak one away to play with.

I hurt my foot carrying Damali; I'm worried it will keep hurting because ice here is rare. I have Advil though so I should be ok.

I love weekends here. I could never grow tired of Saturdays with the kids.

You know what else is different here? No airplanes.

PS I drank a Pepsi with sugarcane and it made me think of Brian.


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